Saturday, February 28, 2015

Watch "BOUGHT" film uncovering toxic food supply and pharmaceuticals for FREE through March 6

food supply

Watch "BOUGHT" film uncovering toxic food supply and pharmaceuticals for FREE through March 6

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(NaturalNews) From the creators of Doctored, an acclaimed documentary film exposing the medical-industrial complex and its monopolistic stronghold over American healthcare, a new film entitled Bought has just been released that takes a deeper look into this sinister industry and how it's intentionally poisoning not only our medicine but also our food supply.

Available for FREE online viewing through March 6, Bought uncovers the truth behind three major aspects of modern life: vaccines, GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and pharmaceuticals. Though they might seem independent of one another, these three industries have been thrust upon the masses by the same evil forces that have infiltrated the highest levels of education, industry and government.

Made possible by generous donations from thousands of IndieGogo supporters, Brought tackles each of these important issues in-depth, linking them to Wall Street corruption, widespread chronic disease, autism and more. The film aims to draw mainstream attention to the fact that multinational corporations have colluded with the government to peddle poisons on the masses, without consequence.

An unspeakable evil is literally manifesting a dystopian reality in which the food supply is lurking with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), pesticides and heavy metals, and in which medicine has degenerated into nothing more than the systematic drugging and vaccination of nearly the entire population.

"Peel back the layers and see what's really driving our industrialized food, our insane vaccine expansion, and our love affair with pharmaceuticals- it's the same villain," explain the creators of the film.

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Modern food and drugs have become covert killers

The meaning behind the film's title is simple: Major industries that claim to keep the public nourished (Big Food) and healthy (Big Pharma) have been bought and paid for by special interests that aren't really concerned with whether or not you and your family live well. As usual, their primary goal is money, and lots of it.

Once an art practiced by individuals with a true passion for healing, medicine as we generally know it today has been hijacked by a mafia cartel of drug and vaccine pushers. Profits, eugenics and depopulation have taken the place of compassion, care and well-being.

"MD's aren't being allowed to actually practice the art of medicine," lament the film's creators. "Chiropractors are marginalized and sidelined and anyone who questions vaccination safety, pharmaceuticals, factory farms, etc. is ridiculed and belittled."

The food supply is in similar dire straits, having become so poisoned with herbicides, genetically engineered substances, processed additives and other deadly chemicals that it is no longer a trustworthy source of sustenance.

Vaccines are a fraud: they haven't been proven effective, and they're deadly

And what about vaccines, which have supposedly increased life expectancy and helped eliminate the spread of infectious disease? If the current measles outbreak that some states are using as an excuse to try to eliminate vaccine exemptions is any indicator of what's really going on, Big Vaccine, just like Big Food and Big Pharma, is also a nefarious entity that simply can't be trusted.

"It's a $30 billion a year industry," states one expert about vaccines in the official trailer for Bought. "The government has said they're safe and effective for everybody, [but] the evidence doesn't suggest that."

"If you compare us to any other industrialized country, we are going backwards."

You can watch the trailer here also view Bought in full for FREE through March 6 here:

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Five major signs of a magnesium deficiency


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(NaturalNews) Magnesium is an essential macromineral that performs a huge number of important roles in the body. It is responsible for regulating enzyme reactions (including reactions that create RDN and DNA), transporting essential ions across our cell membranes, assisting in the production of ATP and much more. All of our major organs require magnesium to function properly, and without it our bodies would spiral out of control.

Despite its biological importance, however, the average person is seriously lacking in magnesium. In fact, according to the American Chiropractic Society, an estimated 68 to 80 percent of the American population suffers from a magnesium deficiency -- a state of affairs which, if left untreated, can contribute to serious medical conditions such as osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.(1) Consequently, it's important that we all familiarize ourselves with the warning signs of a deficiency.

While the five conditions listed below are not the only signs associated with a lack of magnesium, they are by far the most common. If you suffer from these issues on a regular basis, consider taking a magnesium supplement (and eating more magnesium-rich whole foods, such as nuts and leafy green vegetables) and see if they subside.

Muscle cramping and twitching

There's a good reason why magnesium is found in sleep supplements and used to ease women in labor; magnesium is the mineral that allows our muscles to relax. When we are deficient in it, we begin to suffer from muscle-related issues such as cramping, twitching and facial tics. In the most extreme cases, the twitching and cramping can contribute to chronic insomnia.(2)

Abnormal heart contractions

Low magnesium levels also have a negative impact on our heart muscles. According to a study published in the German journal Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, magnesium helps maintain regular muscle contractions in the heart. When we're lacking in it, we begin to suffer from cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats), which increases our risk of heart attacks and strokes.(3)

Depression and low moods

Over a century ago, it was common for doctors to prescribe magnesium supplements to patients suffering from depression. Today, the link between insufficient magnesium intake and low moods has been somewhat forgotten, even though numerous studies reinforce it. For example, a review published in the journal Pharmacological Reports in 2013 concluded that magnesium supplements were effective at managing depression.(4)

Ringing in the ears

Tinnitus is an unpleasant condition characterized by a persistent ringing or booming sensation in the ears. Though tinnitus is sometimes caused by infection, it can also be caused by unregulated production of glutamate, an important neurotransmitter that magnesium helps regulate. Therefore, instances of tinnitus in otherwise healthy ear canals could be caused by low magnesium levels.(5)

Kidney stones

Most people believe that kidney stones are caused by an excess of calcium. However, ongoing research continues to show that a lack of magnesium plays an equal, if not greater, role in kidney stone formation, and that taking magnesium supplements can help treat them. For example, a study featured in The Journal of Urology showed that patients treated with magnesium hydroxide experienced decreased recurrence rates of renal calcium stones.(6) Therefore, if you're suffering from kidney stones, see if increasing your magnesium intake helps.








About the author:
Michael Ravensthorpe is an independent writer whose research interests include nutrition, alternative medicine, and bushcraft. He is the creator of the website, Spiritfoods, through which he promotes the world's healthiest foods.

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Are Synchronicities Clues To The Bigger Picture?

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girlwindow We’ve all had them – those moments when something happens that makes you ponder the role of design in the universe, and your own place within it. When falling in love, engaging in artistic endeavours, or struggling with tragedy, these moments can occur frequently. Are things indeed “mean to be” at some deeper level? Or is the universe just an unfolding series of random events, occurring one after another, while our limited human minds desperately try to find the thread that links them together?
Synchronicity is the technical name given to the events I’m referring to. Carl Jung, the Austrian psychologist, coined the term in his 1951 essay on this topic. A synchronicity is, essentially, a meaningful coincidence. Something happens in the world around us that seems to defy probability and “normal” explanations.
The classic example is Jung’s own vignette in treating a particularly stubborn patient. He describes his talking sessions with her that delved into themes of her excessive rationality and rejection of any deeper meanings in the universe. As his patient was describing her feelings and a recent dream in which she was given a golden scarab, Jung heard a light tapping on the window behind him. The tapping persisted and Jung opened the window to find a large scarab beetle flying against the window. He caught it and handed it to her, saying, “here is your scarab.”
The scarab beetle is, according to Jung, a classic symbol of rebirth. So the dream scarab and the real world scarab beetle coincided to create a moment of transformation for the patient, who was able to overcome her problems.
I’ve been keeping a list of synchronicities from my own life for a few years now. Many are fairly trivial events that may best be explained as mere coincidence. One example: I bought a game on Amazon as a gift for my nephew. The game had 354 reviews. Right after this I bought Nelly’s song, “Just a Dream” (a great song), on iTunes. It also had 354 reviews. Is there any deeper meaning in these events? I doubt it! But one could stretch to find something if you wanted to.
A second example is a bit harder to dismiss as coincidence. I studied biology in college and have continued to read widely in evolutionary theory since finishing college in 1998. I’ve also published a few papers in this field since that time. I was reading a book on evolutionary theory and the strange but fascinating topic of bedbug sex came up. Female bedbugs don’t have vaginas — I know, it’s weird! Male bedbugs instead stab their penis into the female’s body, break through the carapace, and deposit sperm directly into the body cavity. I shook my head in wonder and went home shortly thereafter. When I got home from the coffee shop where I had been reading, I turned on a recording of “The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart and, lo and behold, the topic of bedbug sex came up! He showed a very funny and exquisitely weird skit by Isabella Rosellini demonstrating bedbug sex. I had never before heard about bedbug sex and here it came up twice in one day, in entirely unrelated contexts.
So what do these two episodes of bedbug sex offer in terms of deeper meaning? To be honest, I have no idea, but I can certainly speculate. I have been thinking and writing about sexual selection and other mechanisms of evolution for many years, and have developed a published theory that expands Darwin’s ideas on sexual selection. So perhaps I was somehow being encouraged to keep going on this path by my possibly synchronistic experience. It’s kind of a stretch, I know, but not entirely unreasonable.
Ok, one last example from my life, as an example of a strong synchronicity: I’ve been to Hawaii a number of times since late 2013, with my primary motivation to buy property there (I’m writing this essay in Hilo, Hawaii). I almost never talk to people next to me on the plane because I really enjoy the quiet time to read or work on writing projects, and because I’m afraid of being held captive in a boring conversation for many hours. The first trip to Hawaii, however, was with a woman I was dating at the time, so there was less risk of having to talk to the person next to us for the whole flight. I struck up conversation on a whim with a woman seated by herself beside us, and it turned out that she lived on the Big Island and we learned a lot about it in our conversation. We all became friends after she invited us to her birthday party that week, and to this day we’re still friends and see each other often.
The second trip to Hawaii was a month later and I was traveling by myself this time. Another woman traveling solo was in the seat next to me, I again chose to strike up a conversation, and she was also quite interesting and friendly. She was visiting a good friend of hers who lived in Hilo. The same day we arrived in Hilo I was having dinner with the woman I met on my first trip and we ran into the second woman, who I’d just met on the plane that day, at the same restaurant, which is one of many in Hilo! I ended up hanging out with the second woman a couple of days later and we’re also still friends.
My third trip was a month later. I was again traveling alone and was going for three months this time. I was hoping to finally buy some property after scouting a lot on the first two trips, and also to research a novel I’m working on that is set on the Big Island. This time I was seated next to a guy traveling by himself who seemed to be in his late twenties or early thirties. Again, I struck up conversation; again, this was strange because I almost never speak to people on the plane. Again, we had great conversation and it turned out that he was a traveling nurse going to Hawaii for a three-month contract. We became great friends and had many adventures during my stay.
Anyway, to wrap up: three of three trips to Hawaii yielded good new friends and opportunities to learn a ton about the Big Island. Coincidence may still be a good explanation, but despite my hard-nosed scientific outlook on most things, I can’t help but wonder if mere coincidence may not be the best explanation here.
If we’re looking, instead, at these events from the point of view of synchronicity, the deeper meaning is fairly obvious to me: in some manner the universe seemed to be helping me to make a home in Hawaii. This was the correlation between external events and my mental states that is the hallmark of synchronicity.
We could also look at these events as simply resulting from my excitement about going to Hawaii and a place that I was thinking about making a serious part of my life (I still live in Santa Barbara, but I split my time between Santa Barbara and my place near Hilo; paradise to paradise…). My excitement made me more talkative and more interested in people around me. Possibly. But it’s also quite unusual that people traveling solo, youngish, and interesting, would be seated next to me three times in a row.
I took a fourth trip to Hawaii in mid-2014 and I did not meet anyone interesting on the plane and didn’t even talk to the person next to me. But three out of four instances is still enough to make me scratch my head.

Explaining Synchronicity

So what’s going on with synchronistic experiences? First, let’s define our term carefully. Jung defined a synchronicity as meaningful and causally related correlations between outer (physical) and inner (mental) events. A good shorthand is meaningful coincidence. The coincidence is between external events and inner meaning that matches those events in some way or was inspired by them.
Jung attempted to explain synchronicity through an appeal to the “collective unconscious.” This collective unconscious is described by Jung as either the sum of our unconscious minds held in common by all people or, more intriguingly, as a deeper level of reality that undergirds our physical world. Synchronicities bubble up from the collective unconscious, and are a goad to “individuation,” a key part of Jung’s teachings.
Jung suggested that the correlations between external and internal events had a similar root cause. So while the correlations were not causal— they are “acausal”—there is a deeper causal explanation for each half of the synchronistic event. Jung seemed to believe that the universe itself was attempting to teach some lesson or insight by offering up these meaningful coincidences.
Another intriguing possibility is that synchronistic experiences are suggestive of the idea that we — you, I, and everything around us — are part of a much larger mind. Just as in our own dreams events can happen that skirt the laws of physics or logic, if we are indeed part of a much larger mind, a much larger dream, then synchronistic experiences are the clues. This idea was sketched by the German writer Wilhelm von Scholz and mentioned by Jung in Synchronicity.

So What Does It All Mean?

Looking at the bigger picture, and not only my own candidates for synchronistic experiences, synchronicity is perhaps the most compelling reason for me personally to remain agnostic about a higher-level intelligence in our universe. I’m not a religious person. I’m not a Christian and I was a militant atheist for many years. I’ve shifted, however, in the last ten years to a softer stance on the big questions about God, spirituality and meaning.
I’ve written previously on the “anatomy of God,” describing how I find the evidence and rationale for a “God as Source” quite convincing. God as Source is the ground of being, apeiron, Akasha, the One, etc., that is the soil from which all things grow. The Source is not conscious. It is beyond the dichotomy of conscious/unconscious. It is pure Spirit.
God as Summit, a conscious being that may or may not take an interest in our lives or even our planet, is a different matter. The metaphysical system that I find most reasonable — a system known as process philosophy, with Alfred North Whitehead as its primary modern expositor — certainly has room for God as Summit. Whether God as Summit really exists, however, is a separate debate. If I had to bet on it, I’d bet that there is no God as Summit at this point. But I remain agnostic.
The synchronicities that have happened in my life are numerous and strange. They don’t add up necessarily to any compelling evidence for God as Summit, but they certainly do make me wonder.
Turning back to Jung’s famous scarab beetle example of synchronicity we must, to be fair and scientific, acknowledge that the beetle he caught wasn’t technically a scarab beetle; it was, instead, a scarabaeid beetle (common rose-chafer) whose “gold-green colour most nearly resembles that of a golden scarab” beetle, in Jung’s own words. It seems, then, that Jung was exerting some poetic license at the moment he gave the beetle to his patient and in his later description of the episode.
Does it matter that it wasn’t technically a scarab beetle? Clearly it didn’t matter to the patient, of whom Jung claims “this experience punctured the desired hole in her rationalism…” Would this have happened without Jung’s poetic license? We have no way of knowing. These details demonstrate that there is a large gray area with respect to synchronicities that each of us must navigate when assigning meaning to particular events.
This criticism aside, we all have surely had numerous synchronicities happen to us that demonstrate my broader points above: there are deep mysteries inherent in reality and we cannot, if we are to be scientific, ignore these mysteries and the dimly-perceived world of deeper meanings that synchronicities sometimes highlight in each of our lives.
Check out my book Eco. Ego. Eros.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

FDA buries scientific misconduct to protect Big Pharma

FDATuesday, February 24, 2015 by: J. D. Heyes Tags: FDAscientific misconductBig Pharma

Learnmore: When there are problems in medical research, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, deferring to its partners in Big Pharma, won't always tell you about it.

As reported recently by Reuters, the agency has found major discrepancies in dozens of final reports issued by medical researchers regarding the manner in which they collected their data. But the FDA regularly failed to publicize its findings.

Reuters further reported:

Out of 78 published papers reporting on clinical trials in which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found very serious issues, only three mentioned any violations, the new report says.

"These are major things," Charles Seife, a journalism professor and the study's author, commented.

Examining documents and data from 1998 to 2013, Seife and some of his students at New York University in New York City found 57 clinical trials that came with an "official action indicated" violation, which is the most serious of all trials violations, for reasons such as poor record keeping, the falsification of information and poor patient safety.

In one study, a patient died - but it wasn't reported

As further reported by The Verge, Seife blamed "regulatory capture" for the lapses in ethics, which the website described as "a type of corruption where a public agency protects the interests of the groups it's meant to regulate rather than the interests of the public at large."

Of the three that noted violations, they included researchers falsifying data and some patients being included in trials despite not being eligible to take part in them, Reuters reported.

Reports noted that some of the problems with research that were not reported were quite serious. One of the papers, for instance, claimed that all patients reported an improvement, but in reality, the FDA found that one of the patients in that body of research had to have a foot amputated two weeks after receiving treatment.

In yet another case, the entire body of research -- the whole clinical trial -- was deemed unreliable by the FDA's scientists, though the published paper failed to note that.

In yet another paper, researchers falsified data, and that led to one patient dying.

Reuters further noted that data on the violations was not made readily available. As such, Seife said that it is impossible to determine how often bad data is published and how often violations are actually made public by the FDA.

"No one really knows unless you go through these documents that anyone is questioning the integrity of the trials," he said.

Seife further noted that physicians would certainly want to know if the FDA had discovered major problems with data collection in research studies, since they would no doubt be utilizing such data to decide what medicines are the best choices for their patients.

In addition, medical journal editorial boards ought to be concerned, because they are essentially enabling the phony data by publishing the tainted research, which undermines the credibility of their journals.

This is a big concern

"This study highlights some disturbing examples where articles were published and information was lacking and this would be a concern to readers," Dr. Robert Steinbrook, an editor at large at the publication JAMA Internal Medicine. He co-authored an editorial that was published along with Seife's report.

"What this does is call attention to a communication issue," Steinbrook, who is also affiliated with the Yale School of Medicine, said.

Though correspondence with the FDA has somewhat improved on such issues, the researchers' "suggestion is to go further."

His editorial, along with the study, recommend that clinical trial inspection reports be included in the U.S. government's database with research located at

In a statement to Reuters, the FDA said the agency "is committed to increasing the transparency of compliance and enforcement activities with the goal of enhancing the public's understanding of the FDA's decisions, promoting the accountability of the FDA, and fostering an understanding among regulated industry about the need for consistently safe and high-quality products."


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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How to kill Candida and balance gut flora in a week


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(NaturalNews) People that suffer from an overabundance of yeast like Candida, or any other type of fungal infection, need to cut out sugars. This protocol has worked for many people, and it works faster and better than any medication as long as the diet is right, refined sugars are not ingested, and the body is not filled with toxic pharmaceuticals. This includes vaccines. Vaccinations have toxins in them that kill gut flora and weaken the immune system.

A Few Things to Know

If you don't have your appendix, if you get regularly vaccinated, or if you have mercury fillings, you should take a good quality probiotic every day for the rest of your life.

If you have allergies, asthma, headaches, cancer or diabetes; if you see floaters, or if you have almost any other ailment or disease, you have too much Candida.

It's not just white sugar and high fructose corn syrup that feed Candida. Agave nectar, coconut sugar, dates, fresh pressed fruit, carrot or beet juices, raw honey, and brown rice syrup all feed Candida in the body.

If you've have taken antibiotics, you need to heal your gut and rebuild the healthy bacteria in your system.

Candida makes you crave sugar. When you feed the body sugar, you feed the Candida. It multiplies. The fungus eats you when it gets hungry, so you feed it again. This is a very simplistic way of putting it, and there is so much more going on, but this explanation is close enough for these purposes.

Candida can cause joint pain, stiffness, slow healing, and an inability to heal.

Candida can lie dormant for up to six months. When everything is back in control, keep in mind that Candida is always ready and able to spring back into life if it's fed. You have to keep the gut balanced even after you heal it with a proper diet.

This, protocol only works with the right diet. That's also true for anything that will kill excess Candida and balance the body. Diet is key.

The Diet

A healthy diet consists of 80% or more raw, fresh, organic produce. Eat more vegetables than fruit. This is imperative for anyone who is ridding the body of Candida. Big salads (see the first source below for a recipe) are the foundation of a healthy diet that balances the digestive system.

No refined foods. Whole foods only. Make smoothies with coconut water, whole pineapple (it's juicy), unsweetened nut milk or water instead of fruit juice. Make nut milks at home with sprouted nuts. Take extra supplements when consuming pineapple or grapes, as they are very high in sugars. And remember to limit fruit until your gut is balanced.

Gluten and Candida do not mix. If the gut is unwell, gluten is causing serious problems. Nobody with Candida overgrowth should be attempting to digest gluten. A gut with an excess of Candida has holes in it. When gluten breaks through the gut undigested, it is toxic to the body.

Do not drink anything that is sweetened unless it's sweetened with stevia. Anyone with hypoglycemia or diabetes should use stevia with caution, as it can be problematic, but it doesn't feed Candida. The second source below has a cranberry lemonade recipe to help detox.


Supplements that are known to combat fungus include wormwood, black walnut hull, Spanish black radish, Pau d'Arco,goldenseal,coptischinensis, ginger, cinnamon, and olive leaf extract. All of these are great to have around, and a few of them are exceptional at killing parasites, viruses, and bacterial infections (coptischinensis, wormwood, black walnut hull, Spanish black radish) but while they are certainly antifungal, they're not the strongest solution to kill excess Candida.

My favorite combination for eliminating excess yeast in my body and balancing the gut flora is undecenoic acid, very high quality probiotics, and an intestinal detox that repairs the gut and kills parasites. It's also a good idea to use an additional supplement that's a parasite killer such as a supplement with wormwood and black walnut hulls.

For more on balancing the gut flora, check out How to Kill Candida and Balance Your Inner Ecosystem, (scroll down for supplement recommendations.) If you need to detox from vaccines, see How to Detoxify from Vaccinations & Heavy Metals.


About the author:
Michael Edwards is the founder, owner, editor-in-chief, and janitor for Organic Lifestyle Magazine and Green Lifestyle Market. At age 17, Michael weighed more than 360 pounds. He suffered from ADHD, allergies, frequent bouts of illness, and chronic, debilitating insomnia.

Conventional medicine wasn't working. While he restored his health through alternative medicine he studied natural health and became immersed in it.

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McDonald’s and Monsanto Are Both ‘Losing Money Fast’

By February 23, 2015 0 Comments Read More →

Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society
Waking Times
In a series of headlines that would pass as virtually unbelievable several years ago, mainstream economists are sounding the alarm over the financial decline of both fast food giant McDonald’s and biotech juggernaut Monsanto.
CNN asks, ‘Is McDonald’s doomed?’ Business Insider declares that ‘McDonald’s Is Losing America’ as the company fires its own CEO. What’s happening? As it turns out, the world is starting to ask what they’re truly eating in their food — and the new conglomerate of natural grocers and restaurants are trailblazing the way into an entirely new economic environment. In other words: people are simply tired of shoveling garbage into their bodies, and they’re not going to put up with it anymore.
Here’s just a few of the ingredients you can find in many fast food meals:
  • Dimethylpolysiloxane – A chemical known for its use in silicone breast implants, silly putty, and also… chicken nuggets
  • Propylene glycol – A laxative chemical and electronic cigarette filler that even e-cigarette companies are beginning to phase out
  • Azodicarbonamide – A chemical used in the creation of foamed plastic items like yoga mats
So are you surprised to find that many are turning away from fast food leaders like McDonald’s?
Nations around the world are already rejecting the ensemble of artificial ingredients included in many staple McDonald’s meal options. Back in 2013, their attempts to expand operations in Bolivia were completely shut down by the reality that the Bolivian citizens were not willing to purchase their fast food creations. Asreported back in July of 2013:
“McDonald’s restaurants operated in Bolivia for 14 years, according to Hispanically Speaking. In 2002, they had to shutter their final remaining 8 stores because they simply couldn’t turn a profit—and if you know fast food companies, you know it’s not because they didn’t try.
The Golden Arches sunk plenty of money into marketing and campaigning—trying to get the food-loving Bolivians to warm to their French fries and burgers, but it simply wasn’t happening.”
And they’re absolutely still trying to become ‘relevant’ again in the United States, as natural food giants like Whole Foods are able to offer a medley of organic-based options for the same price of a Happy Meal with extra fries. Even CNN Money admits that with public knowledge expanding over these meal options, McDonald’s is fighting to stay relevant.  Paul R. La Monica, reporting for the CNN Money column, writes:
“Are the meals no longer as happy for McDonald’s customers as they used to be? The fast food giant definitely seems worried.
McDonald’s (MCD) reported lackluster quarterly results last week. And company executives used the words “relevance,” “relevant” and “relevancy” a combined 20 times during its conference call with analysts. Translation: the leaders of the Golden Arches are very concerned about whether the company is still relevant.
If you look at the expected growth rates for Mickey D’s biggest burger rivals — as well as upstarts in the so-called fast casual restaurant chain industry — I’d be “Grimace”-ing too. (Sorry. But I miss that purple blob!)”
From Super Bowl commercials to mega marketing campaigns, McDonald’s is shoveling cash into their PR machine — something they have in common with GMO juggernaut Monsanto. Another company that is facing a financial loss amid increased awareness and international import issues. As the Associated Press article ‘Monsanto Loses $156 Million in Fiscal Fourth Quarter’ explains, the multinational corporation has entered a very unique loss period that spells out a lot about the future of its GMO technology:
“Monsanto Co. on Wednesday reported a loss of $156 million in its fiscal fourth quarter.
The St. Louis-based company said it had a loss of 31 cents per share. Losses, adjusted for non-recurring costs, came to 27 cents per share.
The results missed Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for a loss of 24 cents per share.”
The news comes as Monsanto continues to spend millions in attempts to stop GMO labeling campaigns around the nation, funding opposition groups and ensuring that you don’t know what’s in your food. After all, there’s a reason that 96% of Monsanto shareholders absolutely do not want GMO labeling legislation to pass within the US — it could hurt business.
As information continues to spread on key issues like the prevalence of toxic substances within fast food meals and the reality behind GMOs and their secrecy, there is no doubt that these two companies (and many others) will experience the economic backlash. Will they change in order to meet the new economic shift?

All Life Depends on Soil

By February 24, 2015 0 Comments Read More →
healthy soil
 Dr. Vandana Shiva, EcoWatch
Waking Times

2015 is the year of soil. Bringing the soil to the center of our consciousness and our planning is vital for the life of the soil, but also for the future of our society. History provides ample evidence that civilizations which ignored the health and well-being of the soil, and exploited it without renewing its fertility, disappeared along with the soil.
Indian civilization has sustained itself over thousands of years because it revered the soil as sacred and inviolable. It treated it as Mother Earth.
The Atharva Veda invokes the prayer to prithvi, the Earth:
“Let what I dig from thee, O Earth, rapidly spring and grow again.
O Purifier, let me not pierce through thy vitals or thy heart”
Today’s dominant policies and laws seem to be saying the opposite to the Earth—“We will dig so deep and so violently, we will bulldoze so brutally, on such a large scale and at such a high speed, that we will tear through your vitals and your heart, ensuring that nothing can grow from you again.”
Both ecological science and our ancient wisdom teaches us that all life depends on soil. But we are now unthinkingly adopting the illusion that human progress is based on how fast we can destroy, bury and consume the soil.
Uncontrolled urbanization, mega mines, superhighways and gigantic infrastructure projects are the burial grounds of fertile soil. We are forgetting that life grows from soil, not concrete and tarmac.
It is only our farmers who are practicing ecological agriculture, returning organic matter to the soil and growing soil fertility, and, through it, the foundation of our food and our future. In practicing organic farming, they also conserve water and absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus addressing climate change. Money might grow from speculative real estate development, but not life. Multiple “clashes of civilization” are taking place in India today around soil and land.
There is a clash between what Aristotle called “chrematistics,” the art of money-making, and “oikonomia,” the art of living. The clash is between the soil and Earth centred agrarian economies of peasant societies and the money-centered speculative economies which are obsessed with the art of money making, with no respect for the democratic rights of people whose land is being grabbed, or for the soil that has sustained our civilization over millennia.
This intense clash is because the government wants to forcefully and undemocratically appropriate land from the farmers and hand it over to builders and speculators.
A war against land and people has been declared through the land acquisition ordinance which, by reversing the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, takes us back to the colonial law of 1894.
There is a clash between two views of history on the land question. There is a false, linear view of history that projects human progress as moving from agriculture to industry to service economies. A more realistic view recognises that history moves in cycles.
At the national level, history of land is not a linear history of dispossession, but a cyclical history of land grab and land reform.
The British created the zamindari system, which led to violence, injustice and famines. Peasants started movements like Tebhaga after the great Bengal famine, and movements for land reform and land rights based on “land to the tiller” philosophy. West Bengal had its Operation Barga, India introduced “land ceiling,” a limit on the ownership of land, and land reform along with land distribution made Independent India a land of hard working, sovereign and proud small farmers.
The land grab ordinance is, in fact, a new zamindari, aimed at reversing all that Independent India put in place to protect—land, food security, the sovereignty of small farmers and the country. But it is more than a reversal because the context is different. In today’s context, unjust laws passed undemocratically for land acquisition have far more impact because the activities are more destructive ecologically and socially. Removal of the clauses for consent in the land ordinance is an assault on democracy. Removal of the food security clauses is a reckless and irresponsible action forfeiting the future. Has the government been so blinded by corporate “chrematistics” that it cannot see the damage this will do to life of the soil, the “oikonomia,” the vital food economy of the peasants? Has it been so deafened by the voice of those whose only objective is profits and money-making, that it cannot hear the screams of a dying soil and the people of the soil—the tribals and peasants?
A new Singapore-style capital is proposed for Andhra Pradesh at the cost of Rs 100,000 crore. About 100,000 acre of prime farmland on the banks of the Krishna river is being grabbed from small farmers who, with one acre land, earn more than Rs 30,000 per month. Former Indian Administrative Service officer Devasahayam reports how the government is describing the concrete jungle it is planning as being “full of life and economic activity,” implying that farming that feeds people is a “lifeless activity!”
Globally, young people are moving back to the land, driven both by crisis of unemployment and by frustration with the urban corporate life which might bring money, but no satisfaction. Young people from banks and software companies are coming to Navdanya to learn how to be organic farmers and make a living from the land. After the banks and information technology (IT), it is soil and land that holds the future.
We already have a scarcity of land and fertile soil. To bury this scarce and precious resource on the basis of an outmoded view of history, progress and development is not enlightened policy-making. There is not enough land in the country for the limitless appetite for mining, urbanisation and industrialisation. While profiteering from land in a globalised economic system based on the false idea of limitless growth might inspire current policies, land and fertile soils set their own ecological limits. There are also social and political limits to how much dispossession, injustice, violence and destruction of democracy a society can bear. Protests against land grab and the land law are growing across the country. If they are violently crushed, as in the tribal areas, violent conflicts will intensify. In the worst case scenario, if the fabric of the soil and society are ruptured beyond repair, we will disintegrate as a civilization, as is happening to so many societies around us.
We can avert the collapse of our civilization if, in this year of soil, we collectively and democratically commit ourselves to protecting and rejuvenating the soil and, thus, our future.

Monday, February 23, 2015

자주 Yevo 국제 오스틴과 캐서린 리차드, 자체 및 유통 컨설턴트에 의해 번역 질문을 물어 Yevo.

자주 Yevo 국제 오스틴과 캐서린 리차드, 자체 및 유통 컨설턴트에 의해 번역 질문을 물어 Yevo. 2015년 2월 23일 번역
문서 변환은 미국 시장에 참조 용입니다. 한국 시장은 아직 진행합니다.
424-234-9642 미국

Q : 필수 영양소가 무엇입니까?
A : 필수 영양소는 탄수화물, 단백질, 지방, 비타민, 그리고 우리 몸이 매일 필요하지만 스스로 할 수없는 광물이다. 이러한 영양소는 우리의 식단에서 와야합니다. 현재식이 전략은 우리 몸이 필요로하는 일일 필수 영양소를받을 우리를 위해 작동하지 않습니다.

Q : 왜 우리는 필수 영양소가 필요합니까?
A : 적절한 영양 섭취하지 않으면 몸이 모두 정신적으로 육체적으로 잠재력이 최대한 성장할 수있는 능력을 가지고 있지 않습니다. 필수 영양소는 건강한 세포를 유지하기 위해 몸에 의해 사용됩니다. 건강한 세포가되면 자연적 노화 및 만성 상태로 인한 악영향을 최소화 할 수있다.

Q : 43 필수 영양소 inYevoTM 제품은 무엇입니까?
A : Yevo의 제품에서 43 필수 영양소이다 : 물, 오메가 -3 지방산, 오메가 -6 지방산, 나트륨, 칼륨, 류신, 이소류신, 리신, 메티오닌, 시스테인, 페닐알라닌, 티로신, 트립토판, 트레오닌, 발린, 히스티딘 , 아르기닌, 비타민 A, 비타민 C, 칼슘, 철, 비타민 D, 비타민 E, 비타민 K, 티아민, 리보플라빈, 니아신, 콜린, 비타민 B6, 엽산, 비타민 B12, 비오틴, 판토텐산, 인, 요오드, 마그네슘, 아연 셀레늄, 구리, 망간, 크롬, 몰리브덴, 염화. 이러한 영양소는 세계 보건기구 (WHO)와 미국 의학 연구소 "필수 영양소를"지정되어 있습니다.

Q : 어떻게 당신은 영양이 풍부한 음식을 제공합니까?
A : 모든 43 필수 영양소를 제공하기는 Yevo 자연스럽게 자연에서 발견 가장 높은 영양 수준을 제공하는 데 사용되는 재료에서 발견되는 영양소를 유지하기 위해 특허 출원 프로세스를 사용합니다. 우리는 자연이주는 것과 함께 시작하고 누락 된 것을 추가 할 수 있습니다.

Q : 무슨 Yevo 제품은 특별하게?
A : 연구는 대부분의 사람들이 자신의 일상 다이어트에 최적의 건강을 유지하기 위해 필수 영양소를받지 않는 것을 알 수있다. 각 식사에서 Yevo 대부분의 사람들이 자신의 다이어트하지 않는 것이, 50 모든 43 필수 영양소의 RDA의 %,뿐만 아니라 섬유를 제공한다. 한 끼에 필수 영양소를 얻기 위해 시도하는 엄청난 불편이있다. Yevo는 당신에게 (43) 필수 영양소를 얻을 수있는 편리하고, 저렴하고, 시간 절약 방법을 제공합니다. 각 맛있는 봉사는 몸 무엇을 필요로하는지의 균형 부분이다.

Q : YevoTM 제품의 수명은 무엇입니까?
A : 제품 2 년의 유효 기간을 가진다. 그러나, 우리는 당신의 이익을 위해 우리의 제품을 개선하기 위해 노력하고 더 긴 저장 수명을 연장 희망한다.
Q : YevoTM 과학 자문위원회 (SAB)의 과학자들은 누구인가?
SAB에 A.The 과학자은 다음과 같습니다 :
 박사 스테이시 벨 박사. D, 보스턴 대학, 영양
 박사 레이몬드 로드리게즈 박사, 분자와 캘리포니아의 세포 생물학 대학,
 로버트 A. DiSilvestro 수소 이온 지수 (pH). D 교수는 인간의 영양, 오하이오 주립 대학,
 박사 조셉 몰 나르, MD, 박사. D., FACS, 교수, 플라스틱 및 재건학과
외과, 의학의 숲 학교, 윈스턴 세일럼, 노스 캐롤라이나 웨이크
 페이 라스 링, MD, MS, 의학 조교수, 북경 연합 (EU) 의과 대학 (PUMC)
 박사 클라우디아 쿡 박사는 MPH는, FACP, FAAMA는, 뉴욕시에서 통합적인 내과의 실천입니다
당신의 Yevo 백 오피스의 리소스 라이브러리에서 당신은 우리의 SAB위원회에 참여하는 개인의 의사와 과학자 모두 찾을 수 있습니다.

YevoTM 국제 | 2600 이그제큐티브 파크 웨이, 스위트 룸 (450), 리 하이, UT 84043 | Yevo 인터내셔널 독립 한 컨설턴트에 의해 번역. Yevo 국제 번역 중에 오류 어떠한 보증도하지 않습니다.

Q : 언제 회사 이야기에 대한 자세한 정보는 것인가?
A : 우리는 지속적으로 회사와 제품에 모두 추가 정보와 함께 우리의 백 오피스를 업데이트하고 있습니다. 추가 업데이트를 매일 백 오피스를 확인하거나 우리의 컨설턴트 서비스 라인에 전화를 계속하십시오.
424-234-9642 U

Q :이 웹 사이트 무엇입니까?
이 : prelaunch 동안 다시 사무실은 당신과 당신의 다운 라인을위한 자원으로 함께 넣어왔다. 그것은 당신이 당신의 사람들이 서명 트리 위치에 넣을 수있는 현재 웹 사이트에서 2 월 1 일 2015 년에 우리의 부드러운 출시하여 추가 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. 또한 첫 번째 오토 쉽 및 주문 항목을 선택할 수 있습니다.

Q : YevoTM의 임원 및 공동 설립자는 누구인가?
A : 피터 캐슬은 YevoTM 국제, LLC의 이사회 의장이다. 데이비드 브라운 (David Brown)은 최고 경영자와 대통령, 커비 젠거는 최고 판매 책임자는, 유전자 팁과는 최고 운영 책임자 (COO)과 벤 시먼은 최고 제품 개발 책임자입니다. 이러한 개인의 모든뿐만 아니라, 제이슨 도밍고, 마스터 유통 및 칩 Marsland으로도 Yevo의 설립자이다. 이 경영진은 멀리 업체로 연간 매출이 20 억 달러를 넘어 구축하는 장기적인 관계와 비전, 전략, 그리고 통찰력에 의해 형성된다.

국가 Q.What YevoTM 짧은리스트에?
A : 우리는 첫 번째 시장이 미국 국내 시장에서 우리의 출시를 따라하는 일본, 한국, 멕시코를 확인했다. 다음 2 년 동안 우리의 초점은 이들 시장에서 반드시 유통 업체가 아시아와 미국에 추가로 구축하는 데 필요한 모든 지원을 할 것입니다. 모든 사회는 "필수 영양소를 필요로한다. .

Q : 언제 정책 및 절차를 사용할 수 있습니까?
A : 우리는 우리의 컨설턴트가 사용할 수있는 정책과 절차를 가지고 열심히 노력하고 그들이 당신의 백 오피스를 통해 당신에게 사용할 수 있습니다. 더 업데이​​ 트에 대한 귀하의 백 오피스를 확인하거나 우리의 컨설턴트 서비스 라인에 전화를 계속하십시오.
한편 포함 산업의 잘 확립 된 가이드 라인을 염두하지만 잠재적 YevoTM 회원 진실하고 정확한 공유되는 정보를 유지하기 위해 노력하십시오 등 상표, 수입 공개, 제품 주장을, 사용에 제한되지 않는다.

YevoTM 국제 | 2600 이그제큐티브 파크 웨이, 스위트 룸 (450), 리 하이, UT 84043 컨설턴트 서비스 1- (855) 841-1334

자주 Yevo 국제 오스틴과 캐서린 리차드, 자체 및 유통 컨설턴트에 의해 번역 질문을 물어 Yevo. 그들이 국가 별 수 있기 때문에 프로세스 질문은 생략 deliberatley. 2015년 2월 23일 번역
424-234-9642 U

Do you think the Government is concerned about the truth that is coming out?

The government wants to regulate the internet

The U.S. government is freaking out about all the truth being distributed on the internet, and they've decided to launch a "Department of the Internet" to start controlling what you can read or watch online.

If they get this passed, independent journalism websites like Natural News will be permanently banned from the internet.

Click here to watch this important video on YouTube.

Learn more:

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Processed Foods Is the Primary Source of Sugar

Processed Foods Is the Primary Source of Sugar

Doctors and health officials alike are still trying to convince you that you can have your cake and eat it too, as long as it's "in moderation." The problem with that is that if you eat a diet consisting primarily of processed foods, moderation goes out the window because virtually all processed food items contain some form of added sugar. Oftentimes, just ONE food item can contain an entire day's worth of sugar. When you add all the processed foods you eat in a day together, the total amount of sugar can be quite staggering. One recent study has linked the proliferation of restaurants and warehouse clubs like Costco and/or super-centers like Walmart to the rapid rise in obesity—all of which sell primarily processed foods.
As reported by The Atlantic:13
"In 1990, no state had an obesity prevalence of 15 percent or more. By 2010, no state was less than 20 percent obese... Charles Courtemanche, an assistant professor of economics at Georgia State University, analyzed a number of... theories [explaining rising obesity rates] for a recent study,14 Courtemanche realized that a lot of past studies came to conclusions like, 'the increasing popularity of driving to work is correlated with the rise of obesity.' But he wasn't sure what, specifically, was having the greatest effect on obesity's rise. He gathered 27 things he thought might be contributing to obesity... and put them in what he calls a 'statistical horserace'...  
Only two of the factors ended up being meaningful drivers of obesity: 1) the proliferation of restaurants and 2) the rise of warehouse clubs, like Costco, and super-centers, like those Walmarts that have grocery stores in them... [B]oth restaurants and super-centers saw a remarkable growth since 1990, and together they explain about half the rise in class II and class III obesity—the worst varieties. Interestingly, regular supermarkets actually had a slight negative effect on obesity rates, so it's not just that food has become more accessible. Instead, Courtemanche said, it's that it's become much, much cheaper."
Although not specified, the food he's talking about is processed food. Sweetened beverages may be among the worst culprits, and in most places a can of soda is far less expensive than a bottle of water. When bought in bulk, it's usually even less expensive. So sure, places like Costco may be adding to the problem by providing health-harming foods at even lower prices, but the fact remains that it is the processed food that is the real problem, not just the fact that food is made available at inexpensive prices... If fresh produce was the least expensive food around, more people would probably buy more of it, but they wouldn't gain a ton of weight as a result.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Recently Type 2 Diabetes is Affecting Children. The Risk, Symptons, and Consequences?

What is Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes (sometimes called non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset diabetes) happens when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Often preventable, it can result from excess body weight and physical inactivity, and sometimes, a genetic predisposition.
Recently, type 2 diabetes has increasingly been reported in children and adolescents, so much so that in some parts of the world type 2 diabetes has become the main type of diabetes in children. The global rise of childhood obesity and physical inactivity is widely believed to play a crucial role.

Healthy eating and lifestyle habits are a strong defense against the disease.

The single greatest risk factor for type 2 diabetes in children is excess weight. In the U.S., nearly one out of every five children is considered to be overweight. Once a child is overweight, chances are more than doubled that the child will develop diabetes. One or more of these factors may contribute to excess weight or obesity:
  • Unhealthy eating patterns
  • Lack of physical activity
  • An inherited tendency
  • Rarely, a hormone problem or other medical condition
In addition, as with adults, the risk of type 2 diabetes in children appears to be associated with excess abdominal weight. This obesity pattern increases the chance of insulin resistance and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes in Children

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes in children develop slowly. Initially, there may be no symptoms. Eventually, you may notice one or more of these symptoms:
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Increased hunger or thirst, even after eating
  • Dry mouth
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Heavy breathing
  • Slow healing of sores or cuts
  • Itchy skin
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
It is time to visit your child's doctor if you notice any of these symptoms of diabetes in your child.

Consequences of Type 2 Diabetes in Children

With type 2 diabetes in children, symptoms may be minor at first. However, serious health problems may be developing. These are complications associated with type 2 diabetes in children or adults:
  • Blindness
  • Kidney failure
  • Heart disease
  • Blood circulation and nerve damage
  • Early death from complications

Special Concerns With Type 2 Diabetes in Children

Children -- especially teens -- may have a tough time making changes to prevent or manage type 2 diabetes. You can help by following some of these suggestions:
  • Talk with your child honestly but supportively about health and weight. Encourage your child to speak up about his or her concerns.
  • Do not separate out your child for special treatment. Your entire family can benefit from making changes in diet and activity.
  • Make changes gradually. Just as it took time for diabetes to develop, it will take time to achieve better health.
  • Increase activities your child enjoys, while at the same time reducing the amount of time your family spends watching TV or playing video games.
  • If your child refuses to follow his or her plan, try to find out why. Teens, for example, are dealing with hormone changes, demands on their time, peer pressure, and other factors that seem more important to them than taking care of diabetes.
  • Set small, step-wise goals. Plan special rewards for your child when he or she meets each goal. Then move on to the next.
  • Talk to a diabetes educator, doctor, dietitian, or other diabetes professional for more ideas on how to help your child become healthier.
By working together, you, your child and the diabetes health care team can be sure your child remains healthy for years to come.
WebMD Medical Reference
Reviewed by Roy Benaroch, MD on January 14, 2015

The Scoop on Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals


Original Post from
Breakfast cereals are undeniably quick, easy, and popular. More importantly, many fit the ideal of low-calorie, high nutrient-dense foods, and research supports the notion that ready-to eat cereals can improve children’s overall nutritional well-being, lower their risk of becoming overweight, and even contribute to improved brain power. Especially when paired with milk, cereals in general are one of the biggest sources of some very important nutrients in children’s diets, including fiber, folic acid, vitamin C, iron, and zinc.
That said, it’s important to select your children’s breakfast cereals wisely. A recent study examining the nutritional quality of cereals found that cereals created for and marketed specifically to children tend to contain more sugar and sodium and less of the important nutrients. So what does that mean when it comes to serving cereal?
You can still scoop away, but do so with the following goals in mind:
  • Look beyond the eye-catching packages of children’s cereal. While cartoon characters can be mighty appealing, cereals not specifically marketed to children tend to contain more fiber and less sugar.
  • Find cereals with a fiber content of at least 2 (if not 5) grams per serving.
  • Focus on finding cereals that contain no more than 10 to 12 grams of sugar per serving. Think your kids won’t go for it? Think again. A 2011 study of children’s breakfast eating behaviors found, among other things, that children were equally happy with the cereals they were served, regardless of whether they were given high- or low-sugar cereals. Even when children in the low-sugar cereal group added extra sugar, they still ended up consuming far less sugar than the high-sugar cereal group.
  • Consider sweetening cereal naturally by simply adding cut up fruits like bananas, strawberries, or peaches. In fact, children served low-sugar cereals are more likely to balance out their breakfasts by adding fresh fruit to their bowls.
  • Go for whole grains whenever possible. Fortunately, it’s getting much easier to do so, as many of the major cereal manufacturers are making whole grains more readily available.
Last Updated
Food Fights, 2nd Edition (Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Pediatrics)

Nutrition and Supplement Use for Athletes, What you need to know.

Young athletes often try special diets and supplements to improve their athletic performance. However, many of these products do not live up to their claims to increase strength, speed, and athletic skills. Athletes should focus instead on following the basics of proper hydration and nutrition. Both are crucial in supporting growth and athletic performance. The following is information from the American Academy of Pediatrics about proper nutrition and supplement use.  Original Post from


Athletes can lose body fluids very rapidly, so they must make sure they are always well hydrated. Thirst is not a good gauge of fluid needs, and waiting until thirsty to drink can decrease athletic performance. The following are tips on how to maintain appropriate fluid intake:

  • Start each workout well hydrated.
  • Drink more fluids if urine is not pale or clear.
  • Drink fluids during workouts, especially if workouts are longer than 45 to 60 minutes. Frequent small sips of fluid are best. Most teen athletes should drink about 8 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes during an intense workout.
  • Switch from water to sports drinks after 1 hour of activity. (Note: Children will drink more if they are given fluids that have taste, color, and a small amount of sodium (like sports drinks).
  • Coaches and parents should make sure fluids are always available and encourage appropriate fluid breaks.
  • Athletes may want to weigh themselves before and after workouts to see if they are getting enough fluids. Each pound of weight lost during a workout should be replaced with 16 ounces of fluid.


Carbohydrates contain the fuel the body needs to perform and also protect muscle tissue from breaking down. Athletes should have a carbohydrate-rich meal 3 to 4 hours before exercise and a high-carbohydrate snack about 1 hour before exercise. For exercise lasting longer than 1 hour, eating carbohydrates during exercise is helpful as well. Good sources of carbohydrates include rice, beans, spaghetti, whole wheat bread, dried apricots, apples, bananas, yogurt, or baked potatoes.

Athletes should have a carbohydrate snack as soon as possible (ideally within 20 minutes) after working out. This replenishes energy in the muscles, which provides fuel for the next day’s training session. This is especially important for athletes who are training almost every day. Children don’t need extra carbohydrates if they are drinking sports drinks (which already contain some carbohydrates).


Proteins contain the building blocks the body uses to recover after workouts and to repair injury. Protein should be spread throughout the day, especially in the 24 to 48 hours after a hard workout. A little bit of protein in the post-workout snack may also help with recovery. Good sources of protein include lean beef, chicken, turkey breast, fish, eggs, beans, low-fat cottage cheese, milk, or cheddar cheese.

Athletes have greater protein needs than nonathletes. However, they should be able to meet these needs with a balanced diet. Vegetarians and athletes who are trying to lose weight may need to add protein to their diets. For example, several tablespoons of nonfat dried milk can be added to liquid milk, soup, pasta sauce, etc. It can be beneficial to meet with a nutritionist for additional guidance.

Vitamins and minerals

Most athletes can easily meet most of their vitamin and mineral needs, as long as they are getting enough calories from a variety of different foods. There is no benefit to getting extra amounts of any vitamin or mineral. However, athletes should talk with their doctor about iron, calcium, and vitamin D.

  • Iron and calcium. Most children in the United States (both athletes and nonathletes) do not get enough iron and calcium in their diets. Teens should have 3 to 4 servings of iron-rich food per day and 4 to 5 servings of calcium-rich food per day. Good sources of iron include lean beef, turkey, chicken, lentils, beans, tofu, spinach, molasses (blackstrap), or tomato puree. Good sources of calcium include milk, low-fat yogurt, cheddar cheese, calcium-fortified orange juice, or tofu prepared with calcium.
  • Vitamin D. Any child who is not consuming at least 32 ounces of vitamin D–fortified milk should receive vitamin D as part of a vitamin drop or pill to ensure adequate vitamin D intake. Vitamin D in milk or vitamin pills also is recommended for adults.
  • B vitamins. While adult athletes may need more of some B vitamins than nonathletes, it is not clear if this is true for children or teens.


It is important to remember that diet supplements are not tested and regulated like prescription drug products. Problems with safety, contamination, and quality are common with these products, even if purchased from a reliable source. Popular supplements in young athletes include “weight gain,” protein, and vitamin/mineral supplements.

  • Weight gain supplements are basically protein supplements with added calories. When used as directed, they often result in greater increases in fat than in muscle.
  • Protein supplements often contain either a soy- or wheybased protein and are of similar quality to complete proteins obtained in meat, dairy, or soy products. In young athletes, nutritional needs are best met by a balanced diet, rather than with supplements.

Nutrition resources

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

US Department of Agriculture and other federal government agencies (includes information about the new food group symbol, MyPlate, which replaced MyPyramid)

Last Updated

Care of the Young Athlete Patient Education Handouts (Copyright © 2011 American Academy of Pediatrics)