This is a company that is on the leading edge of Food and Nutrition that happened to decide to distribute their products through real people, not mega stores like Wal-Mart, Sam's, Costco or Corporate distribution centers that supply grocery stores.
If you are uncomfortable buying healthy, nutritious real foods through people you know or don't know, but you would prefer to buy unhealthy products from people you don't know, I would like to say I understand but I do not. I don't judge you for this, I just don't comprehend the logic.
If you are uncomfortable buying healthy, nutritious real foods through people you know or don't know, but you would prefer to buy unhealthy products from people you don't know, I would like to say I understand but I do not. I don't judge you for this, I just don't comprehend the logic.
If you have a glimmer of interest in Nutrition, Health, or Food, I am asking, no begging you to look into There are 3 days left to be a founding distributor for Yevo International. This opportunity will be gone after February 1st. I will say this one more time, Peter Castelman is a Billionaire and he is asking for our help to grow a company who's mission is to, "Improve the Lives of All People Through Good Nutrition". That's it! God Bless you and God Bless Innovators. #tesla #stevejobs #yevo #mlk #davinci #johnlennon #brucelipton

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